Introduction n this article we are going to learn How to install NoteLab best note taking app in Ubuntu 16.04. Notelab is a open source digital note taking app used to note down your...
Introduction n this article we are going to learn How to install NoteLab best note taking app in Ubuntu 16.04. Notelab is a open source digital note taking app used to note down your...
Introduction n this article we are going to learn how to use Linux cat command. cat stands for Concatenate. cat command is a file management command in Linux used to display content of the...
Introduction n this article I will explain you 6 Bash shell command line Chaining Operators (Linux operator). Now let’s discuss what is chaining operator. Chaining operator is something which is helps to run multiple...
Introduction n this article we are going to discuss on rm command in Linux. rm is a Linux terminal command used to delete/remove files & directories. It’s completely free application comes as in build...
Introduction n this article we are going to discuss on some most frequently used basic Linux commands with examples. This article is mainly useful for beginners who just started to learn Linux or want...
Introduction n this article we are going to learn what is Linux chmod command and how to use it. chmod command is used in Linux related operating system to Change file mode bits. In...
Introduction n this article we are going to discuss on uname Linux commands with examples. uname command helps to check Linux version & system information like using uname command you can check Operating System details,...
Introduction n this article we are going to discuss on Linux ifconfig command. Ifconfig is a simple command line utility in Linux used to check and configure network interfaces. Hence the full form of...
Introduction n this article we are going to learn How to compress files using bz2 file compression tool (bzip2 linux command) and unzip bz2 compressed file. bzip2 is a open source compress tool similar...
Introduction n this article we are going to learn How to mount and unmount Linux file system. In Linux operating system after create a fresh partition we have to format that partition with some...